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What genre of metal are you?

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What genre of metal are you? Empty What genre of metal are you?

Писане  То4ка Пон Май 03, 2010 8:26 pm

Това е нещо като тест, който показва какъв стил метъл сте.

Брой мнения : 817
Join date : 10.11.2009
Age : 28
Местожителство : Габрово


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What genre of metal are you? Empty Re: What genre of metal are you?

Писане  То4ка Пон Май 03, 2010 8:28 pm

На мене ми се получи така:
What genre of Metal are you?

Gothic Metal

Bands like Beseech, Sirenia, Lacuna Coil, and Tiamat. Music is: Typically slower and with lots of atmosphere, the genre also sometimes sports twin vocalists (male and female). You enjoy the finer things in life and love beautiful things that tickle your senses. You are romantic without ever overdoing it, and you love the dark because it brings out your sensual side.

Брой мнения : 817
Join date : 10.11.2009
Age : 28
Местожителство : Габрово


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What genre of metal are you? Empty Re: What genre of metal are you?

Писане  metal_17 Вто Сеп 14, 2010 11:03 am

Black Metal

Bands like Sothis, Stormlord, Dark Funeral, and Emperor. Music is: Evil beyond being evil, the most trend-unfriendly and purely unrelenting form of metal. You do NOT give a poo about what others think about you. You hate all forms of authority and you hate anyone with any power over you except yourself. You have beliefs that others might call into question, but which you would vigorously defend.

Hail Satan! ^^
My Immortal
My Immortal

Брой мнения : 530
Join date : 07.12.2009
Age : 27
Местожителство : София

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What genre of metal are you? Empty Re: What genre of metal are you?

Писане  Sacrifyyy Пет Дек 03, 2010 5:59 pm

Hardcore Metal

Bands like Walls of Jericho, Hatebreed, Bury Your Dead, and Remembering Never. Music is: Thunderous and powerful music that speaks to street smarts and about persevering. You are an aggressive individual who has many opinions that others find to be a bit much to handle. When these beliefs are called into question, you’d sooner pick a fight than argue about them intellectually. You strive for strength through unity and perseverance through adversity.

Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy

Брой мнения : 28
Join date : 11.11.2010
Age : 29
Местожителство : Sofia


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What genre of metal are you? Empty Re: What genre of metal are you?

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